Hello, my name is David Kolker

I am Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Counseling Centers for Compassion.

Hello, my name is David Kolker and I am Licensed Clinical Social Worker and founder of Counseling Centers for Compassion. The first question I ask every client is "tell me who you are." This question is the basis of all the time we will spend together. It is the main question that will determine the progress of your therapy. A primary piece of this approach is self-disclosure by myself. How can I expect you to be open and honest if I am not willing to do the same? Many therapists don't believe in this theory; however, I have found it to be extremely effective. The concept is that I have the same issues as you do; however, my pain tolerance is extremely less than yours. What does this mean? I don't wait till the pain gets unbearable to take action.

I have owned large primary mental health facilities for the past 14 years and worked with a diverse population of males, females, couples, LGBTQ and families. Issues such as lack of childhood modeling, insecure attachment, sexual assault and abuse, codependency and shame are just some of the issues I address with clients. It is my opinion that shame, lack of self-love and codependency are the primary issues all of us must address.